Monday, March 29, 2010

face the hard truth

pitbull of a getup&doit guru, Larry Winget says:

Your life is the result of the decisions you’ve made.
If your life sucks, you’ve made some sucky decisions.
Stop the cycle now.
Make new and better decisions.
Then take action on them.

And if you are clueless on what is happening, then take a step back,
and take a good hard look & assess where you are right now
compared to where you were1, 2 or 5 years ago;
otherwise how would you ever realize you're making sucky ideas?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Distilled water a potential health risk?

Andy Ho, Straits Times, 20 Mar 10 wrote: ".... the fashionable bottle of drinking water is unlikely to provide the beneficial minerals one can get in our tap water. In fact, if not remineralised, bottled water might, in the long run, even be aggressively bad for our health."

Look at the official water analysis by PUB. No mention is made for magnesium. I reckon if there is any trace element of magnesium in the water, then it must be negligible.

Hence. Andy Ho's article warning that drinking bottled water could be harmful to our body but public/tap water is practically bereft of magnesium to be of any significance to our daily mineral needs.