Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Importance of being Goal-Oriented

More than half of 2010 has gone by. If you are on track with your goals, well good for you! For the others who are still wavering, unsure and feeling somewhat lost, there is still time. Sometimes the very best of us do slip & fall by the wayside but it is important to get up, dust off & get going again. Never despair, work on a shorter term, more manageable target. Once you get into the flow, the momentum might just catch on!

Brett Steenbarger, Author of The Psychology of Trading, writes:

Discipline problems typically begin with experiences of frustration.

Frustration is a function of not meeting goals and expectations. ...

If we do not set challenging, but feasible goals, we cannot experience ourselves as effective, successful people. Goals that are perfectionistic cannot be met and thus generate frustration.

The failure to set goals robs us of opportunities for cultivating a sense of purpose and well-being.

Goal-setting is not just essential to mastering markets; it's essential as a tool of psychological management. We shape our experience of ourselves by controlling what we pursue and how we evaluate the pursuit.


These are lessons in life when applied successfully allows us to expand & grow to become better & effective people. With these successful traits, we can be good models & guide those who can benefit from our help.

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