Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Building the right foundation for your child

I was reading a book, "Your Kids Are Your Own Fault: A Guide For Raising Responsible, Productive Adults" by Larry Winget. He is a different sort of Guru who doesnt mince his words to tell you the hard truth.

This is a challenge faced by many parents who have to deal with "fiercely independent kids". Well, it could be a blessing with kids you can be proud of but when things dont turn out satisfactory, you often wonder where you could have done better for the child.

We know how important it is to nuture the child with the right values & giving the child room to grow in a positive environment. However, much of this effort is made so much easier when the parents start this path even before birth.

This means getting good supplements in addition to eating balanced nutritious meals. Prenatal vitamins and the all important folic acid will help the mother to be see through a healthy pregnancy. A good omega3 fish oil supplement at least from the third trimester all the way through lactation is also essential for the child's health and developing brain.

New mothers who have high omega3 stores who also breastfeed their infants have been found to have healthier babies. The child's brain continues to grow and parents who continue to supplement their toddlers with good fish oil supplements after weaning also found to be smarter too.

Help your child to help you. For more information and research studies, please visit:

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