Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your mom was right. She is still right about the Fish.

Do you remember the time when you were a child, your mom tried to get you to eat fish, saying that it is good for your brain? Perhaps mealtimes wasn't the happiest memories of your childhood?

Well, she was right and she is still right about the Fish. Today, we have hundreds of clinical trial and research papers supporting the importance of eating fish. Fish is an important source of essential fatty acid (EFA) which is needed to promote the growth and development of the child's health, mental and visual functions.

This EFA, especially, Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is critical to helping your child to a great headstart in life. There are also numerous studies that showed that children with low DHA status are at risk of respiratory illness and tend to experience behaviorial and mood problems later on in life.

While we know that a balanced and nutritious meal is important, sadly the modern diet is usually not an ideal source of essential nutrients. Your child's favorite fish sticks and fried fish cannot be considered as a good source of essentail fatty acid.

So, it is important to supplement your child's meal with a good fish oil, particularly for those who are averse to the taste and smell of fish.

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